What to Do in a Sydney Heatwave? Hint: The Taronga Zoo!

Last Updated on May 19, 2020 by Kickass Traveler

When it’s 40 celsius in a harbor town like Sydney, what do you do?

Too hot for a bridge walk. Too hot for strolling through The Rocks. A nice ferry ride, perhaps, with the wind off the waves offering a brief respite?

Gorilla Side Eye - Taronga Zoo, Sydney
Gorilla Side-Eye

Finding the Zoo

You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy a zoo day. To get to the Taronga Zoo, catch the ferry at Circular Quay. The ferry masters will encourage you to buy the zoo ticket and cable car ahead of time to avoid the line (take their advice). Every 30 minutes a ferry departs from Circular Quay to make the 12-minute ride across the harbor. You can drive a car or take one of the many bus routes mentioned on the Taronga Zoo website if you prefer, but the ferry ride is part of the adventure!

My zoo buddy was my friend, Jods, from Rockie. Our goal was to hit the zoo at 9:30 when it opened so the animals would be “fresh” and not withered (myself included). Due to unforeseen circumstances, we didn’t get to the zoo until 11:30, which was perfectly timed with naptime. Hmmm.

The Usual Suspects

Chameleon in Taronga Zoo Sydney Australia
Mr. Chameleon, you’ll never change!

Like most zoos, you’ll find the usual suspects of giraffes, elephants, chimpanzees, and meerkats! At Taronga, Aussie’s favorite mate is hiding in the eucalyptus, the koala, (sleeping actually as these cuties sleep 20 hours a day). Additionally, Taronga Zoo hosts a tiger pen and den, and you can play “spot the big cat” as the elusive tigers tuck away, blending in with their habitat away from our prying eyes. The mock plane ride into Tiger Country was a hit with adults and kiddos alike as your imaginary flight traverses the globe, sound effects and all, to bring you to Tiger Country at the zoo.

When the temperature soars, the Reptile Exhibit is the coolest spot in the zoo. I had to drag my ophidiophobia (fear of snakes) friend into the “cave” with promises of cooler air. Once inside, the zoo ambassadors shyly welcomed her, with chameleons and geckos batting their eye-lashes, tortoises and frogs frolicking about, and (with a reticent dignity) snakes, casting about furtive glances. Lots of snakes.

It’s Showtime!

There is much to see at the Taronga Zoo, and the zoo does a stellar job of revamping the exhibits to encourage repeat attendees. As you wind down your day, careful planning can put you in the right spot for lively entertainment. If your timing is spot-on, as you head past the food court, grab a snack and nab a spot under the shade for the 2:00 pm show featuring nature’s natural clowns, seals. Once the show is over, bolt out and make for the nearby gorilla enclosure where a 2:30 pm feeding will provide an entertaining half-hour as our primate cousins flirt from afar.

Lizards sunning themselves at Taronga Zoo, Sydney Australia
Not Bondi Beach, but close – Lizard Party

Plan to stay for two hours but stay for four (regardless of the heat). The animals, for the most part, will cooperate and be as compliant as you can wish for. You can cover most of the park in a few hours, and for a whimsical finish to your day, just head back the way you came in – by cable car!

No matter what the temperature is, take time to enjoy the Taronga Zoo!